
Bengali Cultural Society, Reading is a UK registered charitable organisation managed by trustees elected by the members on an annual basis.

The composition of the current Trustees is as follows:

Abhijit Chakraborty

Abhijit Chakraborty


Sanjoy Paul

Sanjoy Paul


Archana Das

Archana Das


Other Trustees

Arpita Talukder

Ratna Ghosh

Rana Ray

Gouri Dey

Priyanandini Sarkar

Himangshu Dey

Surajit Biswas

Chandan Bhowmick

The above Trustees for 2021/22 were elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting held on 7th August 2021. All subsequent Trustees would be elected and/or confirmed at future Annual General Meetings.

The Trustees are responsible for the management of the affairs of BCS and allocates responsibilities as it sees fit. Any member may stand for election in order to become a Trustee. Such elections are decided by a simple majority of the members present at an Annual General Meeting.

The offices of the Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer are elected at the Annual General Meeting and these office-bearers become members of the Trustees automatically.

The total number of Trustees is decided at the Annual General Meeting.